Fast - 0.5 L in 48 seconds, 1 L in 90 seconds.
Light - Weighs 162 g with batteries
Easy - push button operation, fits with commercial water bottles
Effective - UV light destoys viruses, bacteria and protozoa
Tested in the field by Appalacian Trail thru-hikers and Everest climbers, the Classic is the rugged workhorse of the SteriPEN family. Purify up to 200 half-litres of water with a single set of batteries for safe, clean drinking water whenever you’re hiking, camping or traveling.
The tapered end provides a snug fit with water bottles, and with the added filter works even with wide mouth bottles. The Pre-Filter removes all particles from the water while the UV light removes 99.9999% of bacteria, 99.99% of viruses and 99.9% of protozoa for clean drinking water wherever you are.
Includes neoprene carry case.